BizTalk Summit 2013, London – Keynote Video

Published on : May 1, 2013

Category : Events



Beginning this year we conducted BizTalk Summit 2013 in London partnering with Microsoft.  The complete details about the event can be found on the event website One of the key objective of the event was to showcase some of the new capabilities that’s coming in BizTalk Server 2013, Azure BizTalk Services and BizTalk in Azure as IaaS (VM). There were some interesting articles about the event The event was big success with 128 attendees from 72 companies across 15 countries +  11 speakers from Microsoft Integration MVP and Microsoft BizTalk Server product group. We recorded the event for those of you who didn’t get a chance to attend the event in person. The first set of videos were released back in February. We couldn’t release the keynote videos that time, since there were some NDA material that could not be revealed to mass audience until the launch of BizTalk Server 2013. Now BizTalk Server 2013 is generally available (since 1st of April) and hence we worked with the video production team this month and video is now available for public. We also created the complete English transcript of the video for those of you who prefer to read rather than watch the video. image