SilverLight-Prism – The IModuleCatalog is required and cannot be null in order to initialize the modules.

Published on : Mar 7, 2010

Category : General



I guess most of my readers are from BizTalk/BPM background. So, some of these post may not be relevant to them. I’m just using the blog as reference archive for all of the issues I’m encountering during my Silverlight learning. So, please feel free to ignore id 😉 Exception Detail: System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code Message=”The IModuleCatalog is required and cannot be null in order to initialize the modules.” StackTrace: at Microsoft.Practices.Composite.UnityExtensions.UnityBootstrapper.InitializeModules() at Microsoft.Practices.Composite.UnityExtensions.UnityBootstrapper.Run(Boolean runWithDefaultConfiguration) at Microsoft.Practices.Composite.UnityExtensions.UnityBootstrapper.Run() at UI.App.InitializeRootVisual() at UI.App.Application_Startup(Object sender, StartupEventArgs e) at System.Windows.CoreInvokeHandler.InvokeEventHandler(Int32 typeIndex, Delegate handlerDelegate, Object sender, Object args) at MS.Internal.JoltHelper.FireEvent(IntPtr unmanagedObj, IntPtr unmanagedObjArgs, Int32 argsTypeIndex, String eventName) InnerException: Resolution: Set the following settings on your modulecatalog.xaml file. Build : Content (Default is page) Cusom Tool Namespace: (just empty content, default will look something like MSBuild:MarkupCompilePass1) Event though the extension of the file is xaml, we don’t need to compile it. It’s just going to be a content file available on the SilverLight app. Nandri! Saravana